しかし、一部の歴史家は「有益な怠慢(salutary neglect)」は意図的な政策ではなく、行政の非効率性、財政の厳しさ、および政治的無能の産物であると主張しています。ウォルポールは在職期間を確保するためにアメリカで後援ネットワークをつくり、空いている植民地事務所を友人や政党連合で埋め尽くしました。彼らは多くの場合、自身の利益のために問題を見逃すことをいとわない指導者でした。その結果、植民地議会はより強力になり、国王を支持するイギリスの将校は却下されました。
In 1721, Sir Robert Walpole was appointed First Lord of the Treasury and became Britain’s first prime minister. He and Thomas Pelham-Holles, duke of Newcastle—the cabinet officer who most influenced American policy during Walpole’s tenure—favored expansion of trade, and were willing to relax enforcement of the Navigation Acts if doing so helped to advance trade and increase the flow of money among Britain and its colonies. For example, New England merchants profited greatly from illegally trading fish and lumber to French possessions in the Caribbean, which sent rum, sugar, and molasses to the west coast of Africa, which then sent slaves to America; as a result, New England merchants could purchase a higher quantity of British goods. As long as American exports fueled British prosperity, the Crown would focus its attention elsewhere.
However, some historians argue that salutary neglect was less a deliberate policy and more a product of administrative inefficiency, financial stringency, and political incompetence. To help ensure his tenure, Walpole developed a patronage network in America. He filled vacant colonial offices with his friends and political allies, who, more often than not, were ineffective leaders willing to overlook complicated problems for their own financial gain. As a result, colonial assemblies grew more powerful, and those British officers who were determined to uphold the king’s authority were often simply overruled.
【Treasury = 財務省】【prime minister = 首相】【cabinet office = 内閣府 】【patronage =後援】【assembly = 社交などの特別の目的の集会】