・洒涙雨(さいるいう)- Sairuiu
Sairuiu, is a Japanese term that refers to the rain that falls on July 7th, the day of the Tanabata Festival. It is believed to be the tears of Orihime and Hikoboshi, the celestial star-crossed lovers who are only allowed to meet once a year on this night.
・朝曇(あさぐもり)- Asagumori
Asagumori, is often associated with a sense of tranquility and peacefulness, as the clouds can create a sense of calm and serenity. It can also be seen as a symbol of new beginnings, as the clouds represent the potential for change and transformation.
・五月晴れ(さつきばれ)- Satsukibare
Satsukibare, is a Japanese term that refers to the clear, sunny weather that is often experienced in May.It is also sometimes used to refer to the pleasant and refreshing weather that can be experienced in May, even if it is not completely sunny.
・鼬雲(いたちぐも)- Itachigumo
The name Itachigumo comes from the cloud’s resemblance to a weasel’s face, with its dark, swirling base and white, wispy top. The term 入道雲(Nyudogumo) is also used, as the cloud can also be seen as resembling a Buddhist priest’s head, with its rounded shape and dark color.