

みなさん、こんにちは!今日はオバマ前大統領の奥さん」ミッシェル・オバマ(Michelle Obama)さんのスピーチから学びましょう。
Michelle Obamas Best Advice For Students | How To Succeed In Life



毎日、どのように生きるつもりですか?  もし、希望する仕事に就けなかったら、どうしますか? 先生になったとして、もし、次年度のクラスの生徒が授業を聞かなっかたら、どうしますか? もし、仕事を始めて、上司がとてつもなく高い目標設定をしたら、どうしますか?






私は、これまで弁護士、大学の管理者、非営利マネージャー、そしてファーストレディーとして、何百人もの若者を雇いました。その面接で、クラスのテストの点数や成績について説明するように求めたことは一度もありません。 私は、公立学校ではなくアイビーリーグの学校に通ったからという理由で、採用を決めたことはありません。ただの一度もないのです。


あなたは働き者ですか? あなたは信頼できますか? あなたは他の人の視点にオープンですか? 自分の利益にならなくても、他人に奉仕したことはありますか? 国に奉仕する方法を見つけましたか?




Who are you going to be and if you’ll notice, I’m not asking, what are you going to do, but who are you going to be? I’m asking you about how you plan to live your life every day. How are you going to respond when you don’t get that job? You had your heart set on for all of you who are going to be teachers, what are you going to do if the students in your class next year just don’t respond to your lessons.

For all of you going into business, how will you react when your boss gives you when a goal that feels way too high?

See, these are the moments that define us, not the day you get the promotion, not the day you win teacher of the year, but the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to get through the day, the moments when you get knocked down and you’re wondering whether it’s even worth it to get back up. See, those are the times when you got to ask yourself, who am I going to be? And I want to be clear.

This isn’t just some vague platitude about building character. In recent years, we’ve actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills like For instance, West Point cadets who scored high on things like grit and determination were more likely to complete basic training than those who ranked high on things like class rank SAT scores and physical fitness.
So what we’re seeing is that if you’re willing to dig deep, if you’re willing to pick yourself up when you fall, if you’re willing to work and work until your weaknesses become your strengths,
then you’ll develop a set of skills that you can mold and apply to any situation you encounter, any job you might have in a crisis you might confront.

But you got to make that choice. And let me just share just a little secret before I end.

As someone who has hired and managed hundreds of young people over the course of my career, whether it was during my time as a lawyer,
as an administrator, as a university, a nonprofit manager, even now as first lady,
I have never once asked someone I was interviewing to explain a test score or a grade in a class never.
I have never once made a hire just because someone went to an Ivy League school instead of a state school. Never.

What I have looked for is what kind of person you are. Are you a hard worker? Are you reliable? Are you open to other viewpoints? Have you stepped outside of your own self-interest to serve others? Have you found a way to serve our country, whether in uniform or in your community?
Again and again, I have seen that those are the qualities that I want on my team because those are the qualities that move our businesses and schools and our entire country forward.

And and just understand this. Those are the qualities that you all already embody.

They’re the values you learned from your parents, from the communities you grew up in. And today, more than ever before, that’s what the world needs.





